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Ocean integration

This documentation refers to the newer (and recommended) AWS Ocean integration.
If you are using the older AWS Exporter (Lambda), please refer to the AWS Exporter documentation.

Port's AWS integration allows you to import your AWS resources into Port, according to your configuration.
After the initial import of data, the integration will also listen to live events from AWS to update data in Port in real time.

The integration with AWS supports real-time event processing, which allows for an accurate real-time representation of your AWS infrastructure inside Port.


Port's AWS integration is open source, view the source code here.

💡 AWS integration common use cases​

Easily fill your software catalog with data directly from your AWS Organization, for example:

  • Map all the resources in your AWS Accounts, including ECS Clusters, S3 Buckets, EC2 Instances and other AWS objects.
  • Watch for AWS resources changes (create/update/delete) in real-time, and automatically apply the changes to your entities in Port.
  • Use relations to create complete, easily digestible views of your AWS infrastructure inside Port.


To install the integration, follow the installation guide.

How it works​

Port's AWS integration can retrieve all the resources supported by the Cloud Control API, and export them to Port as entities of existing blueprints.

The AWS integration allows you to perform extract, transform, load (ETL) on data from the Cloud Control API into the desired software catalog data model.

The integration is deployed using AWS's ECS service that is deployed to your AWS Account.

The AWS integration uses a YAML configuration to describe the ETL process to load data into the developer portal. The approach reflects a middle-ground between an overly opinionated AWS visualization that might not work for everyone and a too-broad approach that could introduce unneeded complexity into the developer portal.

Here is an example snippet from the config which demonstrates the ETL process for getting Cloudformation Stack data from AWS and into the software catalog:

# Extract
- kind: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack
query: 'true' # JQ boolean query. If evaluated to false - skip syncing the object.
# Transform & Load
identifier: .Identifier
title: .Identifier
blueprint: '"cloudResource"'
kind: .__Kind
region: .__Region
tags: .Properties.Tags
arn: .Properties.Arn
link: '.Properties | select(.Arn != null) | "" + .Arn'
account: .__AccountId

The integration makes use of the JQ JSON processor to select, modify, concatenate, transform and perform other operations on existing fields and values from AWS's Cloud Asset API events.

The integration configuration structure​

The integration configuration is a YAML file that describes the ETL process to load data into the developer portal.

  • The resources section describes the AWS resources to be ingested into Port.

    - kind: AWS::S3::Bucket
  • The kind field value should be set to the AWS resource type as it appears in the Cloud Control API.

    - kind: AWS::S3::Bucket
  • The selector field describes the AWS resource selection criteria.

    - kind: AWS::S3::Bucket
    query: 'true' # JQ boolean query. If evaluated to false - skip syncing the object.
    • The query field is a JQ boolean query, if evaluated to false - the resource will be skipped. Example use case - skip syncing resources that are not in a specific region.
      query: .location == "global"
  • The port field describes the Port entity to be created from the AWS resource.

    - kind: AWS::S3::Bucket
    query: 'true' # JQ boolean query. If evaluated to false - skip syncing the object.
    identifier: .Identifier
    title: .Identifier
    blueprint: '"cloudResource"'
    kind: .__Kind
    region: .__Region
    tags: .Properties.Tags
    arn: .Properties.Arn
    link: '.Properties | select(.Arn != null) | "" + .Arn'
    account: .__AccountId
    • The entity field describes the Port entity to be created from the AWS resource.
      - kind: AWS::S3::Bucket
      query: 'true' # JQ boolean query. If evaluated to false - skip syncing the object.
      # Transform & Load
      identifier: .Identifier
      title: .Identifier
      blueprint: '"cloudResource"'
      kind: .__Kind
      region: .__Region
      tags: .Properties.Tags
      arn: .Properties.Arn
      link: '.Properties | select(.Arn != null) | "" + .Arn'
      account: .__AccountId


For the integration to operate effectively within your AWS environment, it requires certain permissions to access and interact with your resources. These permissions are necessary for the proper functioning of the integration and ensuring seamless operation. Below are the permissions required:

AWS IAM Policy: arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess​

This policy grants the integration the ability to read all resources within your AWS account. This includes but is not limited to EC2 instances, S3 buckets, IAM roles, and other AWS services.


The ReadOnlyAccess policy is a managed policy that provides read-only access to AWS services and resources. You could replace it with your custom policy that grants permissions to specific resources, but take in mind that the integration requires read-only access to your AWS resources.

AWS API: account:ListRegions​

This API call enables the integration to retrieve information about all available AWS regions within your account. This is essential for the integration to effectively operate across different regions.

AWS API: sts:AssumeRole​

This permission is necessary for multi-account scenarios where the integration needs to access resources in other AWS accounts. By assuming roles in other accounts, the integration can read data and perform actions across multiple AWS accounts seamlessly.


In case your running on an on-premises environment, you need to ensure that the integration has the necessary permissions to access your AWS resources. This can be achieved by creating an IAM user with the required permissions and pass the credentials to the integration by using the OCEAN__INTEGRATION__CONFIG__AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and OCEAN__INTEGRATION__CONFIG__AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.

These permissions are essential for the proper functioning of the integration within your AWS environment. It's important to ensure that these permissions are granted to the integration's identity or service account to avoid any operational issues.

Getting started​

Continue to the installation guide to learn how to install the AWS integration.