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Control the payload

How to define your payload

Port offers two ways to control the payload sent to your backend:

  • When using the Port execution agent (with a GitLab/Webhook backend), use the instructions on this page to define your payload.
  • In any other case, you can define the payload directly via Port.

Some of the 3rd party applications that you may want to integrate with may not accept the raw payload incoming from Port's self-service actions. The Port agent allows you to control the payload that is sent to every 3rd party application.

You can alter the requests sent to your third-party application by providing a payload mapping config file when deploying the Port-agent container.

Setting up the mapping

Setting up the mapping depends on how you install the agent.

To provide the mapping configuration to the agent, run the installation command again, and add the following parameter:

        --set-file controlThePayloadConfig=/PATH/TO/LOCAL/FILE.yml

Control the payload mapping

The payload mapping file is a json file that contains a list of mappings. Each mapping contains the request fields that will be overridden and sent to the 3rd party application.

You can see examples showing how to deploy the Port agent with different mapping configurations for various common use cases below.

Each of the mapping fields can be constructed by JQ expressions. The JQ expression will be evaluated against the original payload that is sent to the port agent from Port and the result will be sent to the 3rd party application.

Here is the mapping file schema:

[ # Can have multiple mappings. Will use the first one it will find with enabled = True (Allows you to apply mapping over multiple actions at once)
"enabled": bool || JQ,
"url": JQ, # Optional. default is the incoming url from port
"method": JQ, # Optional. default is POST. Should return one of the following string values POST / PUT / DELETE / GET
"headers": dict[str, JQ], # Optional. default is {}
"body": ".body", # Optional. default is the whole payload incoming from Port.
"query": dict[str, JQ] # Optional. default is {},
"report" { # Optional. Used to report the run status back to Port right after the request is sent to the 3rd party application
"status": JQ, # Optional. Should return the wanted runs status
"link": JQ, # Optional. Should return the wanted link or a list of links
"summary": JQ, # Optional. Should return the wanted summary
"externalRunId": JQ # Optional. Should return the wanted external run id

The body can be partially constructed by json as follows:

"body": {
"key": 2,
"key2": {
"key3": ".im.a.jq.expression",
"key4": "\"im a string\""

Mapping examples

Below you can find some mapping examples to demonstate how you can use JQ and the action payload sent from Port to change the payload sent to your target endpoint by the agent. In each mapping, we will show the relevant fields.

Apply a filter to the mapping

Assuming you have a few different invocation methods for your actions, you can create a mapping configuration that is only applied to actions that are of a specific type.

For example, to create a filter that applies only to actions with the GitLab method:

"enabled": ".payload.invocationMethod.type == \"GITLAB\""

Create a URL based on a property

Assuming a webhook invocation action is configured to forward the request to the URL, and the action in Port contains a number type input called network_port meant to specify the network port to send the request to, here is how you can construct the complete URL using the URL and the additional input:

"url": ".payload.invocationMethod.url +"

Invoking the action with the input 8080 to the property network_port will cause the agent to send the webhook request to

The incoming message to base your mapping on

"action": "action_identifier",
"resourceType": "run",
"status": "TRIGGERED",
"trigger": {
"by": {
"orgId": "org_XXX",
"userId": "auth0|XXXXX",
"user": {
"email": "",
"firstName": "user",
"lastName": "userLastName",
"phoneNumber": "0909090909090909",
"picture": "",
"providers": ["port"],
"status": "ACTIVE",
"id": "auth0|XXXXX",
"createdAt": "2022-12-08T16:34:20.735Z",
"updatedAt": "2023-11-13T15:11:38.243Z"
"origin": "UI",
"at": "2023-11-13T15:20:16.641Z"
"context": {
"entity": "e_iQfaF14FJln6GVBn",
"blueprint": "kubecostCloudAllocation",
"runId": "r_HardNzG6kzc9vWOQ"
"payload": {
"entity": {
"identifier": "e_iQfaF14FJln6GVBn",
"title": "myEntity",
"icon": "Port",
"blueprint": "myBlueprint",
"team": [],
"properties": {},
"relations": {},
"createdAt": "2023-11-13T15:24:46.880Z",
"createdBy": "auth0|XXXXX",
"updatedAt": "2023-11-13T15:24:46.880Z",
"updatedBy": "auth0|XXXXX"
"action": {
"invocationMethod": {
"type": "WEBHOOK",
"agent": true,
"synchronized": false,
"method": "POST",
"url": ""
"trigger": "DAY-2"
"properties": {},
"censoredProperties": []

Report action status back to Port

The agent is capable of reporting the action status back to Port using the report field in the mapping.

The report request will be sent to the Port API right after the request to the 3rd party application is sent and update the run status in Port.

The agent uses the JQ in the report field to construct the report request body.

The available fields are:

  • status - The status of the run. Can be one of the following values: SUCCESS / FAILURE
  • link - A link to the run in the 3rd party application. Can be a string or a list of strings.
  • summary - A string summary of the run.
  • externalRunId - The external run id in the 3rd party application. The external run id is used to allow a search of the action runs in Port by the external run id.

The report mapping can use the following fields:

.body - The incoming message as mentioned above .request - The request that was calculated using the control the payload mapping and sent to the 3rd party application .response - The response that was received from the 3rd party application

The response field contains the following fields:

  • statusCode - The status code of the response
  • json - The response body as a json object
  • text - The response body as a string
  • headers - The response headers as a json object