In this example you are going to create a webhook integration between Jenkins and Port, which will ingest job and build entities.
Port configuration
Create the following blueprint definition:
Jenkins job blueprint
"identifier": "jenkinsJob",
"description": "This blueprint represents a job event from Jenkins",
"title": "Jenkins Job",
"icon": "Jenkins",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"jobName": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Project Name"
"jobStatus": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Job Status",
"enum": ["created", "updated", "deleted"],
"enumColors": {
"created": "green",
"updated": "yellow",
"deleted": "red"
"timestamp": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"title": "Timestamp",
"description": "Last updated timestamp of the job"
"url": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Project URL"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {
"jobUrl": {
"title": "Job Full URL",
"calculation": "'https://your_jenkins_url/' + .properties.url",
"type": "string",
"format": "url"
"relations": {}
Jenkins build blueprint (including the Jenkins job relation)
"identifier": "jenkinsBuild",
"description": "This blueprint represents a build event from Jenkins",
"title": "Jenkins Build",
"icon": "Jenkins",
"schema": {
"properties": {
"buildStatus": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Build Status",
"enumColors": {
"SUCCESS": "green",
"FAILURE": "red",
"UNSTABLE": "yellow"
"buildUrl": {
"type": "string",
"title": "Build URL",
"description": "URL to the build"
"timestamp": {
"type": "string",
"format": "date-time",
"title": "Timestamp",
"description": "Last updated timestamp of the build"
"buildDuration": {
"type": "number",
"title": "Build Duration",
"description": "Duration of the build"
"required": []
"mirrorProperties": {},
"calculationProperties": {},
"relations": {
"jenkinsJob": {
"title": "Jenkins Job",
"target": "jenkinsJob",
"required": false,
"many": false
Create the following webhook configuration using Port's UI
Jenkins job and build webhook configuration
Basic details tab - fill the following details:
- Title :
Jenkins Mapper
; - Identifier :
; - Description :
A webhook configuration to map Jenkins builds and jobs to Port
; - Icon :
- Title :
Integration configuration tab - fill the following JQ mapping:
"blueprint": "jenkinsJob",
"filter": ".body.type | startswith(\"item\")",
"entity": {
"identifier": ".body.url | sub(\"%20\"; \"-\"; \"g\") | sub(\"/\"; \"-\"; \"g\") | .[:-1]",
"title": "",
"properties": {
"jobName": "",
"url": ".body.url",
"jobStatus": ".body.type | split(\".\") | last",
"timestamp": ".body.time"
"blueprint": "jenkinsBuild",
"filter": ".body.type | startswith(\"run\")",
"entity": {
"identifier": " | sub(\" \"; \"-\"; \"g\") | sub(\"#\"; \"\"; \"g\")",
"title": "",
"properties": {
"buildStatus": "",
"buildUrl": ".body.url",
"buildDuration": "",
"timestamp": " / 1000 | todate"
"relations": {
"jenkinsJob": ".body.source | tostring | sub(\"%20\"; \"-\"; \"g\") | sub(\"/\"; \"-\"; \"g\") | .[:-1]"
] -
Click Save at the bottom of the page.
Create a webhook in Jenkins
- Go to your Jenkins dashboard;
- At the sidebar on the left side of the page select Manage Jenkins and click on Manage Plugins;
- Navigate to the Available Plugins tab and search for Generic Event in the search bar. Install the Generic Event or a suitable plugin that can notify some endpoints about all events that happen in Jenkins;
- Go back to your Jenkins dashboard and click on Manage Jenkins at the left side menu;
- Click on the Configure System tab and scroll down to the Event Dispatcher section;
- Enter the value of the
key you received after creating the webhook configuration in the textbox; - Click on Save at the buttom of the page;
In order to view the different payloads and events available in Jenkins webhooks, click here
Done! any changes to a job or build process (queued, started, completed, finalized etc.) will trigger a webhook event to the webhook URL provided by Port. Port will parse the events according to the mapping and update the catalog entities accordingly.
Let's Test It
This section includes a sample response data from Jenkins. In addition, it includes the entity created from the resync event based on the Ocean configuration provided in the previous section.
Here is an example of the payload structure from Jenkins:
Job response data
"_class" : "hudson.model.FreeStyleProject",
"displayName" : "Hello Job",
"fullName" : "Hello Job",
"name" : "Hello Job",
"url" : "http://localhost:8080/job/Hello%20Job/",
"buildable" : true,
"builds" : [
"_class" : "hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild",
"displayName" : "#2",
"duration" : 221,
"fullDisplayName" : "Hello Job #2",
"id" : "2",
"number" : 2,
"result" : "SUCCESS",
"timestamp" : 1700569094576,
"url" : "http://localhost:8080/job/Hello%20Job/2/"
"_class" : "hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild",
"displayName" : "#1",
"duration" : 2214,
"fullDisplayName" : "Hello Job #1",
"id" : "1",
"number" : 1,
"result" : "SUCCESS",
"timestamp" : 1700567994163,
"url" : "http://localhost:8080/job/Hello%20Job/1/"
"color" : "blue"
Build response data
"_class" : "hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild",
"displayName" : "#2",
"duration" : 221,
"fullDisplayName" : "Hello Job #2",
"id" : "2",
"number" : 2,
"result" : "SUCCESS",
"timestamp" : 1700569094576,
"url" : "http://localhost:8080/job/Hello%20Job/2/"
Mapping Result
The combination of the sample payload and the Ocean configuration generates the following Port entity:
Job entity
"identifier": "hello-job",
"title": "Hello Job",
"blueprint": "jenkinsJob",
"properties": {
"jobName": "Hello Job",
"url": "http://localhost:8080/job/Hello%20Job/",
"jobStatus": "passing",
"timestamp": "2023-09-08T14:58:14Z"
"relations": {},
"createdAt": "2023-12-18T08:37:21.637Z",
"createdBy": "hBx3VFZjqgLPEoQLp7POx5XaoB0cgsxW",
"updatedAt": "2023-12-18T08:37:21.637Z",
"updatedBy": "hBx3VFZjqgLPEoQLp7POx5XaoB0cgsxW"
Build entity
"identifier": "hello-job-2",
"title": "Hello Job #2",
"blueprint": "jenkinsBuild",
"properties": {
"buildStatus": "SUCCESS",
"buildUrl": "http://localhost:8080/job/Hello%20Job/2/",
"buildDuration": 221,
"timestamp": "2023-09-08T14:58:14Z"
"relations": {
"parentJob": "hello-job"
"createdAt": "2023-12-18T08:37:21.637Z",
"createdBy": "hBx3VFZjqgLPEoQLp7POx5XaoB0cgsxW",
"updatedAt": "2023-12-18T08:37:21.637Z",
"updatedBy": "hBx3VFZjqgLPEoQLp7POx5XaoB0cgsxW"